The 19 books of summer + Middlemarch

Some of the 20 books of summer 2017 (the rest are ebooks)

Considering all that I’ve got going on (a new job, a stream of house guests, and an ambitious overseas trip), I think I may crazy participating in Cathy at 746 Books summer read-along, the 20 Books of Summer. But I’m going to try anyway and see how I do. I may toss out some as stinkers or get distracted, but here goes:

  1. Heat Lightning, Helen Hull (in progress)
  2. A Kind of Anger, Eric Ambler
  3. Homegoing, Yaa Gyasi
  4. Death Comes for the Archbishop, Willa Cather
  5. Attachments, Rainbow Rowell
  6. Imperium, Robert Harris
  7. The Marquise of O and Other Stories, Heinrich von Kleist
  8. Behind the Scenes at the Museum, Kate Atkinson
  9. Cleopatra’s Sister, Penelope Lively
  10. Ready Player One, Ernest Cline
  11. In the Wet, Nevil Shute
  12. The Sympathizer, Viet Thanh Nguyen
  13. Embers, Sandor Marai
  14. M Train, Patti Smith
  15. Citizen Vince, Jess Walters
  16. Real People, Alison Lurie
  17. Little Big Man, Thomas Burger
  18. Z,  Theresa Ann Fowler
  19. Japanese Pilgrimage, Oliver Statler
  20. the rest of Middlemarch, George Eliot

Wish me luck!


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